Explosive Demand for eLearning Delivery


May 17, 2016

In past year, we’ve been excited to see a mass evolution of the eLearning ecosystem.  We’ve seen first hand through custom developments we’ve created on behalf of  our customers to other brilliant and engaging custom pods developed by our partners and others. We’d like to share with you, our perspective on a couple of the drivers behind this growth and help you take advantage of it. 

One driver is the explosive demand for eLearning.  Education-technology used to mean not much more beyond being able to watch a video or a lecture via webcam or taking an online test.  These days engagement is critical for learning, and learning is critical for business success.  Standard web conferencing tools just don’t maintain the level of engagement needed for effective learning, nor can they measure it.   Which brings us to the second driver, the demand for data.   A score at the end of a test is no longer considered a sufficient metric and is practically impossible to tie to revenue.  Being able to adjust a course or lecture, in real-time, to an individual or to a group not only enhances engagement but has been proven to yield efficiencies for the learner and cost efficiencies for the organization as a whole.  Enter Adobe Connect.  The myriad of features built into Adobe Connect specifically to enhance engagement, like the Engagement Dashboard, content-to-engagement analytics reporting, and live feedback visualizations are invaluable and provide a base set of metrics on which learning efficiencies can be measured.  Built around these, an ecosystem of development has brought specific customizations to further the levels of engagement for specific use-cases and also provide features and integrations with other leading tools like learning management systems.  Higher levels of engagement specific to given use-cases are directly tied to participant enjoyment and satisfaction. One of our customers, Kaplan,  knows this first-hand and has focused on engaging their students.  Read more about how Kaplan’s success. 

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